Emma Dalton

Complementary Therapist


Therapies | Homeopathy

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a gentle system of medicine that treats individuals holistically with specially prepared remedies designed to support our own natural healing abilities. Emma will ask about your personal experience of your symptoms and then find a remedy that is appropriate for you. An assessment of your
response to that remedy will be made together. Homeopathic medicines are easy to take, gentle and safe; they do not have side effects and are non-addictive.

Instead of giving everyone the same treatment for any one diagnosis, every person is considered to be unique individual.

For example, 100 people may come for the same complaint, but each person will respond to their symptoms differently and each person will most likely need a different remedy.

This is why information about your personal emotional state and disposition is very often a key factor when selecting your homeopathic prescription.

Remedies are safe. They made from highly diluted natural substances; they are non-toxic, non-addicitive, and have no harmful side effects. Children like them, they are effective and are holistic.


Emma has trained for 4 years in London and has worked in clinics in London and Suffolk. Emma completed a 4 year post graduate course with Dr Yubraj Sharma, London. She is available to give CPD lectures on many homeopathic topics including the use of herbal medicine.  She is a recognised Supervisor, Mentor and Lecturer.

LCPH (Licentiate of the College of Practical Homeopathy, London)
MARH (Registered with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths)

Recognised by Simply Health.

Homeopathy is available individually or integrated with other therapies as requested or required.
