Emma Dalton

Complementary Therapist


Price List

Therapy Price List Valid 1st January 2024.

At least 24 hours notice of cancellations are needed please.  Any cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at the full hourly rate.

Dispensing fee per 15 mins £20.00
Homeopathic remedy per dispenser £15.00
Herbal tinctures per 100ml £15.00
Herbal syrups per 100ml £12.00
Herbal creams per 60g £15.00
Herbal teas per 50g £15.00
First appointment consultation £80.00
Follow up consultation £50.00

First appointments are up to 60 mins whilst follow ups are up to 30 mins.

15 minute free chat on Zoom - for new patients only
15 minute consultation £25.00
30 minute consultation £50.00
45 minute consultation (eg CST follow up) £70.00
60 minute consultation (eg mixed therapies follow up) £80.00
75 minute consultation £100.00
90 minute consultation £130.00
120 minute consultation £160.00

First appointments should ideally be 90 minutes and follow up sessions are up to 60 minutes.
First appointments may be up to 60 minutes and charged as a follow up.
Email consultations are paid at the normal standard consultation rate. This charge is applicable when retrieval of notes is essential for communications.

Biopuncture First appointment £130.00
Biopuncture acute session inc 1 ampule £80.00
Extra ampules each £30.00
Series of 6
CST (follow up appointments only) £350.00
Mentoring, supervision and coaching per hour £80.00
Teaching - POA